BAS is used to report and pay goods and services tax (GST), pay as you go (PAYG) instalments, PAYG withholding tax and other tax obligations.
The frequency in which you must lodge a BAS depends upon one single factor — GST turnover. Here’s how it breaks down:
Quarterly – GST turnover is less than $20 million (and the ATO hasn’t told you that you have to report monthly)
Monthly – GST turnover is $20 million or more
Annually – You voluntarily registered for GST, and your GST turnover is less than $75,000 (or $150,000 for non-profits)
Most businesses lodge quarterly, the dates are as follows:
July, August and September – 28 October
October, November and December – 28 February
January February and March – 28 April
April, May and June – 28 July
If your organisation reports and pays monthly, its activity statement and payment is due on the 21st day of the following month. For example, a July monthly activity statement is due on 21 August.